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Soul SPA

The wellness loving peace oasis of pure bliss.

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We open the circle creating a safe space together that feels home in the moment. Each Soul SPA has a theme around which we engage during our journey together.

The Soul SPA™ wellness Loving Peace Oasis is a community circle that BeYOUtiful VITA offers. 


We have in person and online Soul SPAs. In person Soul SPAs are usually 2-3 hours long, online Soul SPAs are 90 minutes long.


We open the circle creating a safe space together that feels home in the moment. Each Soul SPA has a theme around which we engage during our journey together.

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What we do:

Opening the Soul SPA circle

Setting intentions



Intuitive Visualization

Guided loving self-care massage (with aroma therapy if you wish to add another layer of healing)

Water flow journaling

1 hour a deep, relaxing sound bath 

Draw a personalized BeYOUtiful VITA affirmation card for each of the participants as the intention of the week 


Closure of the circle

Where to be & what to bring for the ONLINE Soul SPA?

A cozy, warm blanket, pen, and paper, massage oil (if you don’t have it, olive oil can work as well or nothing at all if you prefer, as well as one drop of your preferred 100% pure bio etheric oil). Be sure to be in a quiet space where you can comfortably lie down (or sit) without being disturbed and just listen to the soothing sounds.

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